Customer Analytics

 We help our clients make strategic decisions by delivering great insights into the needs and expectations of their customers.


Customer segmentation in customer analytics is one of the most important factors of growth in a business.  Customer segmentation is the process of categorizing and classifying customers based on shared traits. Marketers can easily modify and customise marketing campaigns, products, and services to the demands of specific groups. As a result, consumer loyalty and conversions may improve.

Customer segmentation helps companies to :

  • Know who to send what message to. Companies will be able to send targeted marketing messages  that will appeal to different customer segments(division). 
  • Know the most effective communication medium to send to each of the different customer division. For example, social media will be the best channel to advertise for clothes for the younger generation where as products for let’s say a 50-year old may still be found on Tvs(Offline advertising). 
  • Experiment and test pricing models to maximise profitability.
  • Know how to improve products and services. Companies can also predict the right new products to introduce to the market. 


Our clients partner with us to: 

Identify patterns. Learning about the purchasing behaviour of customers is an important step to get them to buy more. Customers buying more in turn increases revenue and profit. We help our clients to identify the trends and patterns in their sector for them to take advantage of the market to accelerate growth.  
Enhance customer loyalty. Understanding your customers enhances customer loyalty. We support our clients in creating good loyalty programs and also reviewing existing ones. In effect, our clients have increased their brand affinity, increased their customer retention rate, and further experienced sales and revenue growth.
 Effectively target high-value customers. We support our clients by performing customer segmentation to help them increase their revenue through targeting high-value customers. Here, our clients have been able to adjust their marketing campaigns, establish their brand identity, and also, increase their brand awareness.
Increase their profit margin.  We believe a great brand should be consumer-driven. We create a system to help our clients personalised their customer experience.  Tailored-made campaign messages and emails are known to encourage sales by 50% while increasing profit margins by about 300%. This is how Amazon increases their revenue by 35% through recommendation systems. 
Lower their customer acquisition and retention costs. This helps them increase their sales and revenue.
Make strategic decisions.  Not every consumer is profitable and there are even some buyers who rip brands off their profits.  We help in the decision process of our clients relating to some factors that reduces profitability. For example, just like Amazon blocks some clients who return lots of products.  We also help clients in knowing which items to bundle, cross-sell or even up-sell, 
Improve their customer response to promotional offers thereby driving up revenues.
Tighten their overall campaign cost by focusing on buyers who are most likely to make a purchase.
Product development.  With consumer insights, we assist our clients to identify  new sales opportunities they can create with their new products. We leverage customer insights to aid our clients solve product issues and introduce complimenting products to maximise profits.
Identify unsatisfied customers and prevent brand detraction while improving customer services. Microsoft conducted a survey that revealed 77% of consumers appreciate companies who solicit and welcome their comments. Utilizing consumer feedback insights can therefore help you increase sales while also boosting the reputation of your brand. Hence, our unflinching support to our clients in improving customer services.


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